Stichting Perdu is a registered ‘Institution for General Benefit’ (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling /ANBI) The tax number of Perdu is NL008607783B01.
Shortened policy plan
Perdu’s policy is aimed at organizing literary programs, and does not have a profit motive. This is also apparent from its actual circumstances: the foundation allows the proceeds of its assets to benefit the objective and a positive balance must be spent in accordance with the objective. An extremely important feature of Perdu is that almost the entire organization is powered by volunteers. There is a Director, a production leader, a PR & communications officer, and a technician employed by the institution to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but volunteers largely shape the various departments, including the making of our programming and the running of our bookshop.
Remuneration Policy
The general board members of Perdu do not receive any remuneration other than compensation for expenses incurred for the work performed by them in that capacity. The chairman of the board of Perdu receives a volunteer allowance of 150 euros per month for the ten months in which the board meetings of Perdu take place. The other board members and secretary receive a remuneration of 50 euros per month. Perdu’s remuneration policy is aimed at rewarding its personnel according to standards that are socially acceptable, in line with its status as a public benefit institution.